Memory Leaves

Sunday, January 07, 2007

almost a year

Eleven months is not a year. No one would say it was.

I like to bring things into the world, give them a whole lot of attention for a brief period of time, and then abandon them. It's very true. I'm a terrible mother. I'm an excellent incubator, but that doesn't mean much amongst the human kind. Sorry, peeps. I never was very good at the people stuff.

My kid doesn't mind too much, though. He's not very good at the people stuff, either. He also likes to incubate, and doesn't mind the abandoning of 257 things for the completion of 6. If you'd like to see one of our collaborative abandonings, you can visit the pie pirates blog that is somehow linked to this one. I don't remember the name right now; I might come back and fix it. Anyway, it started as a project where I transcribed the stories that Judah and I were collectively making up each night (really he does all the work - I just suggest bigger words to see if he can incorporate them). But we have other things to do, always. So...

I don't know. I don't mean to be an abandoner of projects. I don't deliberately enter everything thinking "Oh, I'm going to quit this soon." There are some things that I start that way, sure - smoking, for one. But I have stuck by that, let me tell you! No quitting there.

Ahh... whatever.


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